The Big Question.
Are people in 2020 more brave as they are more vocal about their mental health issues than they were 20 years ago? Or Millennials & Generation Z are just fucking Weak?
We just don’t know how to take shit that life throws at us anymore. We don’t know how to tackle Failure. And we are too narcissistic to understand that the world doesn’t revolve around us & not everything happens as per our whims & wishes – dreams & desires.
In my mind, I’ve no doubt that this generation is weaker than the previous one. We break down too easily. We can’t handle a Break-up. {oh my boyfriend left me. sob.sob} We can’t accept Rejection from the Universities or a Job Interview. We want to win it all or “Life sucks ass, man.”
We can’t live without a smartphone for a fucking day. We can’t live without the Wifi for a fucking hour.
The trouble is that People don’t like to be told that they’re Weak. What they like is when they’re told, it’s not their fault; it’s somebody else’s fault. Circumstances are to blame. Genetics to blame or the newest trend: Yash Raj Films to blame.
17 Steps to Defeat Depression
1. Don’t Make your Happiness contingent on People or Material Dreams [One of the Main Reasons, I never feel Depressed.]
2. Learn to Expect & Accept Failure & Channel it to be Better [Watch Michael Jordon’s documentary on Netflix. It will blow your mind & depression away.]
3. Don’t look for External Validation. If you’re not at Peace inside, you will always look for Happiness outside & that’s always a slippery slope.
4. Learn to Forgive yourself. Be Hard on yourself. Really Hard, but if you fail or don’t succeed after giving your best, move on. Try again & do something else that you love or like.
5. Learn to Accept the Loss of a Loved One. [It’s not easy – Guess what – nothing that’s worth something is never easy].
6. Don’t hold Grudges. People will let you down. That’s the way it is. Learn to not take everything personally & understand that people fuck up, but most of the time, it doesn’t define them. Just the way there are no Heroes, just Heroic acts, similarly there are no terrible people, just terrible acts.
7. Don’t find easy ways to do things. Don’t Order in. Get off your Ass & Take a walk to the Pizza Place. And Eat there. — Remember: Comfort Zone will kill You. P.S. Fuck Uber, take the Bus.
8. Find a Fucking Purpose – Instead of trying to find your Happiness in Switzerland or Amsterdam, try to find your happiness in giving Love & Time to people who aren’t as fortunate as you.
9. Pull the Plug on Toxic Relationships — Break up with that bitch/basterd 🙂
10. Quit the Big Cities. Everyone is Angry in the Cities – I’ve seen people fighting the Trees & also ATMs. It’s madness in the cities. Go Away & Live in Small – more Nature-friendly places if you can.
11. Choose Your Battles [Greatest Life Lesson Ever] – I hate it when I see people littering, corruption, plastic waste, unreasonable people, but I can’t change who people are. Accept the flaws all around you. Change yourself & hope people follow your example.
12. Do what you like? I write because I like it. I’ve literally made zero money from writing & I’ve been writing since 2006. 14 years & zero money, but I will do it for another 50 years & more because I love writing.
13. Don’t be the ‘Mr. Nice Guy/Gal’ all the Time. It takes a Toll —— Let it out sometime. Get Angry. Break a Remote. Smash a Window. Do it. It will feel good. And bleed a little 🙂
P.S. Bottling up your Emotions never works in the Long-run
14. Make Real Friends [Invest Time, Effort & Thought] – Create True, Solid Relationships. Fuck around if you want to – no problem with that, but if all you’re doing is Fucking Around & not Showing up for your Family, Friends, then guess what, when you need them, they won’t show up either.
15. Run or exercise or dance regularly – do hot yoga. No one ever felt depressed after a run – it’s like drugs – the good drugs
P.S. Don’t take breaks like you don’t take breaks from eating or brushing teeth. Make exercise a lifestyle.
16. Sleep – Get your 6-8 hours of peaceful & timely sleep everyday. Research has proved it, punks 🙂
17. Stay Away from Negative Humans & if you’re negative, work towards fixing yourself – Keep at it till you Fix yourself.
Discipline is Boring & it’s Beats Depression all the Time
Therapy: Go for it if you’re suffering from Clinical Depression – Don’t hesitate or it may be too Late.
Remember – It’s not weak to accept that you’re weak. We are all fucking weak in some way or the other.
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