Those were the Days when I wanted to be a Director like every punk who loves movies. When I wanted to be a great Director like Martin Scorcese, Christopher Nolan & Quinten Tarantino. I was a dumbass [well, I still am 🙂
I joined a crappy film school — AAFT* [*sue me you, cunts, but don’t even try to say that you were not crappy].
Looking back, the 65k [for a 3 months course] I spent at AAFT, I think was better off travelling across North East for three months or donating it for Squirrel Welfare [Full Disclosure: I love squirrels].
Full Disclosure No. 2: After I shot the film [which I wrote & directed], I have not had the courage to watch it. And I dare you to do what I haven’t been able to do in 10 years.
Yep, I shot this film in March 2010.
P.S. We wanted to make an ‘edge of the seats’ thriller but it turned out [unexpectedly] like a comedy 🙂
Watch it if you got nothing happening in your life. I would totally not recommend it 🙂
And don’t forget to Like & Subscribe, punks 🙂
And totally-insincere apologies to all the Punks who’ve already had the misfortune of watching this film earlier 🙂

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