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CoronaVirus vs. India – 21-Day Test Match of the Century (Day – 3)


Day 3 [27 March 2020]
Blunt Basterds’ Curious Observations
People are getting used to Restrictions
I’m starting to get really worried for the Poor, who haven’t eaten in 2-3 days.
Gurdwara Langars feed millions of people, who now have no FOOD to eat or a place to
Stay Home is the greatest practical JOKE on the HOMELESS people — And there at least
100 million Homeless in India.
Unless you’ve Covid-19, your illness isn’t important. We have forgotten Racial Riots & the
Australian Bush-Fires already, which killed at least a billion Kangaroos and Koalas.
Millions of People die because of Unemployment vs. Thousands who will die because of
Covid in India

Qurious Questions
On a personal level, what are you scared of?
I’m personally not scared of Covid. – still more scared of road accident & spreading it
Question: Let’s Talk Truth about Masks?
If masks could fix the Covid, the world wouldn’t be the dystopian movie set, it feels like
But, if I’m going to in public spaces & around people, I should wear one. Old People are
vulnerable & they can get it from me [for all I know I already have Covid-19]


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Written by bikrams

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CoronaVirus vs. India – 21-Day Test Match of the Century (Day – 2)


CoronaVirus vs. India – 21-Day Test Match of the Century [Day 4]