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Crazy College Stories [Vol. 1]


There are a few experiences that make most of us nostalgic. And then there’s college – nothing beats college days. They’re the best even when they aren’t that great & when they are great, they are unbeatable in experience & raw beauty.

Blunt Basterds share some special, crazy, weird & awkward stories with all you Basterds & Bitches in this Series: Crazy College Stories — that made us who we are today.

Stories in this Edition [Vol. 1] include:

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Ghosts: The Spooky Ghost lady who loved noisy anklets & sitting on college boys’ chests 🙂

Near-Death Experience: A Car Crash at 2.47 am on 7th January 2001 in Footscray, Melbourne. As they say, anything that doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. It bloody did.

Coming of Age: Who would’ve thought watching Dhoom in the theatre in 2004 with new friends in a new world of a new town would make an 18-year-old feel the first winds of freedom. A tiny step towards Independence.

School Shootings: A bloody [literally] sport that the United States dominates came to Australia to Melbourne to Clayton to Monash University Campus. I woke up to the news as I slept a kilometer away from Ground Zero. It really woke me up. It made me Come Alive.


“College is the sole in time in human lives when we enjoy adulthood’s beautiful liberties, youth & joy without being crushed by the grotesque & constant necessity to spend most of our precious gift — Time, towards earning money that we don’t need to buy things we don’t want.” Evil Z Blunt


My Novels [3 + 2] on Amazon: Evil Z Blunt Novels:

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Written by bikrams

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Crazy College Stories [Vol. 2]