Do you believe in Free Will. Do you believe ‘You’ have the Freedom to ‘Choose’? Do you believe what you are today,what you’ve become is the direct outcome of the choices ‘You’ made? Most of the People I ask this Question, say ‘Yes’ – ‘Definitely, Yes’. But Amazingly I’ve discovered – the Truth is Quite the Opposite. Our Birth, Our very Existence was decided by Two Humans, whom we later call Mom & Dad. We don’t choose our Name, Our Gender, our Religion, our Nationality, Our Parents, Our Siblings, Our Language, Our Caste, Our Last Name, Our Skin Color.
And if you were born in India, you don’t even choose your Career, you don’t Choose what Food you eat, what clothes you can wear, what time you can stay out, what tattoo you can have and most of us don’t even get to choose ‘The One’ we Marry & spend the rest of our lives with.
Free Will is the Greatest Lie ever Told
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