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Hilarious High School Stories Vol 2 [More Vulgar, More Crazy, More Hilarious]


Blunt Basterds [Bikram & Gav] dig further into the mesmerizing memory tunnel that’s High School.

From Gav’s intriguing escapades in Boarding School in Dehradun to Bikram’s experiences in an unknown school in an unknown town [Google Maps still doesn’t have it], they explore & make you also wonder & take a trip down your own memory tunnel from your High School Days.

We kick off with how – Gav caught his Maths teacher in a Porn Theatre [Digvijai in Dehradun] in 1997 & the Maths teacher was always nice to him from that point :). Magic 🙂

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Gav also went to watch porn films in a theatre that was owned & run by the human who also ran the boarding school Gav went to. Ha! Ya, that Happened 🙂

Bikram reveals how his teachers let him down doing his high school years – they were worse than 15-years-old bitches in Mean Girls. How that fucked his grades & confidence for a while. But in the long run, he came out stronger & realized how tough times – if they don’t kill you, make you better & Podcaster 🙂 So, yeah, a big Fuck you to the Teachers who were Asshole Bitches 🙂

Even Gav got let down by his House Master & the School Principal – getting demoted to House Prefect from House Captain for no reason at all – except that his House Master didn’t have the Balls to stand up to the Principal who didn’t want Gav to become the House Captain because he didn’t like his face.

How Gav became Hockey Captain for his House – White House. He sucked at Hockey, but he became Captain because he was good at Sports in general – #FuckNepotism. Anyway, within the first half, Gav realized how terrible he was & then he did something that hardly anyone ever does. Watch it to Find out!

How when the Cross Country race began with Gav as the favorite but soon it became evident that he’ll finish Third. And then there was a twist in the final 500 meters of this long-ass 20km race.
And how Sports holistically enhanced his Character, Mental Strength & Taught him How to Accept Defeat Graciously. And Gav doesn’t shy away from Promoting his Propaganda of Asking Girls to Play Sports instead of burning their Time playing with Dolls, Gossiping or Putting on Make-up.

Bikram dives into the final story of this Edition by Bragging about his height — allegedly he’s taller than Khali 😉

Then he smoothly ventures into the Cricket match that transformed his Confidence & gave hi, High like he was smoking the finest Hash. It was just a regular Cricket match played with Tennis Ball, but the Impact it made on Bikram became a positive part of the story of his life.

P.S. Miraz makes a Guest Appearance [in the story – not in person]. Respect to his dynamic Cricketing Talent & Athletic Ability from the Good ‘ol Days of 2005 in Monash University – Clayton Campus.

Bubye, Basterds & Bitches. Stay Awesome & Never Stay Sober 😉


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Written by bikrams

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Hilarious High School Stories [Vol.1]


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